Friday, August 28, 2020

Computer Advantages and Disadvantages free essay sample

Add to My Yahoo! Add to Del. icio. us RSS There are at present no remarks for this inquiry. * You should be signed into Answers to include remarks. Sign in or Register. Different Answers (4) Show: All Answers Oldest to Newest to Oldest Rated Highest to Lowest by Krissie Member since: September 22, 2006 Total focuses: 441 (Level 2) Add to My Contacts Block User Advantages: 1. They permit individuals over the globe to speak with one another, regardless of at what time, by means of the utilization of email. 2. They permit individuals to look into data straightforwardly, rather than the utilization of looking through books. . Back-up duplicates of work can be made effectively, without having to re-compose everything. 4. Individuals can telecommute, and invest more energy with their families along these lines. 5. Individuals with incapacities whom cannot compose, can get programming that permits them to talk and it types it on the screen. Disservices: 1. Individuals somtimes invest all th eir energy isolated in theirs rooms on the PC. We will compose a custom exposition test on PC Advantages and Disadvantages or then again any comparable theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page 2. Peadophiles on visit rooms 3. Simpler to duplicate people groups schoolwork as you can some of the time discover the sources on the web. 4. Illicit downloading can destroy organizations 5. Subtleties, for example, bank records, can be hacked into, and in this way your own data is no longer as protected as it used to be. 1 year back 25% 1 Vote 1 Rating: Good Answer 0 Rating: Bad Answer Report It by noogney Member since: March 30, 2006 Total focuses: 3050 (Level 4) Add to My Contacts Block User its ideal to see such a significant number of individuals offer rational responses to an inquiry that has been posed to consistently throughout the previous 2 years truly dont you have anything pertinent to inquire? 1 year prior 25% 1 Vote 0 Rating: Good Answer 1 Rating: Bad Answer Report It by shabnam b Member since: May 07, 2006 Total focuses: 190 (Level 1) Add to My Contacts Block User Advantages of Computers†¢They contain numerous projects that permit you to introduce a bit of work in an expert way †¢It gives a quick, proficient type of correspondence through email and visit rooms †¢Its web openness puts information at the fingertips of their usersDisadvantages of Computers†¢It permits the old method of learning (ex: penmanship) to be overlooked †¢Its fun projects (ex: games) are a major interruption to the client †¢The web gives simple access to specific things that shouldn’t be found, particularly to small kids 1 year back Disadvantages: . It can effectsly affect your public activity and connections with others in the event that you don't keep up the harmony between time on the web and disconnected. 2. It might negatively affect your visual perception because of radiation. 3. It might cause pimples and wrinkles. 4. It might occupy you from your investigations. 5. An excessive amount of time befor e screen may unfavorably influence your visual perception. 6. Sitting before a PC for a really long time without exercise can cause a weight gain. Points of interest: 1. It encourages you robotize different undertakings that you can't do physically. . It encourages you sort out your information and data. 3. It has considerably more processing and ascertaining power then a normal human. 4. It might assist your work with being much simpler. 5. It can assist you with speaking with companions, collaborators and different contacts. 6. It has many web indexes to assist you with discovering data rapidly. Focal points of Computers 1. It can store enormous measure of realities, guidelines, and data. 2. It can process information with precision at an extremely fast (coming to up to 50 million activities for each second). 3. IT can rehash tasks in the very same manner over significant stretch of time. 4. It can check the precision of its work. 5. It is equipped for executing guidelines all alone after the information and program have been taken care of into its memory. 6. It can perform intelligent activities. 7. It can speak with the administrator. Disservices of Computers 1. A PC can just perform tasks modified or educated by an individual. 2. It can't right wrong directions without anyone else. 3. Its ability to perform legitimate tasks relies upon the decision |

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