Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Robin Hood Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Robin Hood - Case Study Example As the size of the band started growing, they had to increase the supply of food for each of his men. It was exceeding the food capacity of his band. Second issue that bothered Robin was that, with increasing men in his band, it was becoming difficult for him to maintain the discipline. He was thinking of changing the way of his policies in order to maintain the order of his band. The best way to do it would be to stop confiscating the goods from the rich and rather imply a transit tax for each of the person crossing from there woods. He has to get things more organized, because he was aware of the fact that the sheriff was becoming more and more organized gradually. This was threatening for Robin and his band men. So using a fixed transit was the best option rather than killing the sheriff or being a part of Barons in order to topple the king, because there was no assurance that they succeed in their plan. In case they did not, then the King will get back to everyone and all these p reparations would go in

Monday, October 28, 2019

Descent of Inanna Essay Example for Free

Descent of Inanna Essay Throughout history women have had an enormous influence on the men of their times. The Descent of Inanna provides us with an example of the role women had during this era and the influence they had over creation stories. Women were very powerful and held in high esteem during this time, and it was not until after the introduction of monotheism that woman lost their position of power. The Descent of Inanna is a story full of irony about a goddess who is powerful yet weak, respected but disregarded, caring and concerned yet selfish and manipulative. The story begins with Inanna preparing to descend to the underworld to deliver a message to Ereshkigal, her sister, of her husband’s death. She gathered her me-garments and gave her servant Ninshubur very specific instructions what she should do should Inanna not make it back from the underworld. Although Inanna is very confident in herself, she is very uncertain about the journey ahead. She knows she may die, which is why she tells Ninshubur to go to the temple of the gods to beg for mercy on Inanna’s behalf. When Inanna reaches the underworld Neti, the gatekeeper, stops her and he goes to tell his queen and Inanna’s sister, Ereshkigal of the visitor. Ereshkigal knows that Inanna is shielding herself behind her me garments and without them she will be vulnerable. Ereshkigal instructs Neti to strip Inanna of her me at each gate and by the time Inanna enters the thrown room she is naked and vulnerable. It is only then that Ereshkigal is able to kill Inanna. After three days and nights of Inanna’s absence, Ninshubur did exactly as Inanna had instructed her to. Ninshubur had such a high respect for her goddess and was forever Inanna’s faithful servant. She set up lament for her by the ruins, tore at her eyes and mouth, and dressed in a single garment as a beggar. She went to the gods to plead for Inanna’s life. After she is refused help from Enlil and Nanna, Ninshubur goes to Enki. Enki is troubled and agrees to save Inanna from her fate. Enki creates two creatures to retrieve Inanna’s body from the underworld and gives them instruction on how to ask Ereshkigal for the corpse. The creatures do exactly as instructed and are able to retrieve Inanna’s body. They sprinkled the food and water of life over her body and Inanna rises. Just as Inanna was ready to ascend from the underworld, she is told that no one leaves and she must find someone to replace her. The galla were sent with her to bring back the person who would replace Inanna. When Ninshubur saw Inanna outside the palace gates, she immediately threw herself at her feet. When the gala tried to take Ninshubur, Inanna refused. It is obvious that Inanna cared deeply for Ninshubur and had a mutual respect toward her. Inanna knows that she owes her life to Ninshubur which is why she refused to allow her to be taken. If her servant had not followed her directions exactly, Inanna may have remained in the underworld for eternity. However, when they reached Inanna’s husband Dumuzi, he was dressed in his me-garments and sitting on his throne. He did not look as someone who was mourning over the loss of his wife, such as Ninshubur had. He did not even move as Inanna and the galla approached. His lack of respect and lack of mourning is why Inanna allowed the galla to take Dumuzi in her place. Inanna held higher regard towards her servant than she had towards her own husband! When the galla try to take Dumuzi, he prays to Utu, Inanna’s brother, to let his hand and feet be turned into snakes so that he may escape their grasp. His request is granted and for a moment, Dumuzi escapes. Inanna finds him and although she seems to try to console Dumuzi, it does not erase the fact that she is giving her husband up to take her place in the underworld. In what appears to be some sort of a compromise, she tells him that his sister will remain in the underworld for half a year, and he the other half. In the end, Dumuzi is handed over to Ereshkigal. Irony seems to be the common theme throughout this story. Inanna was a goddess who was powerful and protected with her me, however without them she was weak and vulnerable. Inanna was well respected by her faithful servant, but not even mourned over by her husband. And Inanna cared enough for her sons and Ninshubur not to allow the galla to take them, however she was selfish and manipulative enough to allow someone else to take her place in the underworld. Ironically enough, Inanna descends to the underworld to pay her respects to her sister, Ereshkigal, and to bring news of her husband’s death. However in the end, it is Inanna who sends her own husband to the underworld in order to take her place and pay her debt.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Bridge On The River Kwai by Pierre Boulle Essay -- Bridge River Kwai

Bridge On The River Kwai by Pierre Boulle The title of my book was Bridge on the river Kwai. The Bridge on the River Kwai is an epic tale of the struggle of British POWs in a Japane se prison camp during WW II. Lt. Colonel marches his men into Prisoner of War Camp 16, commanded by Colonel Saito As the troops enter the camp, they are observed by long time captive Shears, an American sailor, who has bribed a guard to be put on the sick list. Saito announces that their job will be to build a bridge over the River Kwai so that the railroad connection can be completed. However, Saito also demands that all men, including officers, will do manual labor. This act forces Nicholson to inform Saito that, under the Geneva Convention, officers can not be required to do hard work. Saito expects them to do as their told because they are his prisoners after all. A standoff occurs when Nicholson adamantly refuses to make his officers do manual labor. The battalion is marched off to work with the officers left being shot by a machine-gun. Because of Nicholson's unwillingness to back down, he and his officers are placed in the "ovens"- small, iron boxes sitting in the heat of day. Time passes with Nicholson slowly dies, while the enlisted men labor away at the bridge. Shears, along with two British soldiers, try to escape but only Shears is able to get away, having been thought drowned in the river. finally, Sait...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mid-Semester Coursework Assignment

City University of Hong Kong School of Law LW3902 The Law Relating to Companies Mid-Semester Coursework Assignment Semester B, 2012/2013 Instructions to Students: 1. The assignment is worth 50% of the overall mark for this course. The total word limit is 1,500 words, excluding footnotes and bibliography. You must do a word count and indicate the number of words on the cover page. If a paper exceeds the allowable word limit, only the first 1,500 words will be read and marked. 2. Your answers must be double spaced, and typewritten in 12 point, Times New Roman font.Failure to comply with this format will result in a penalty of five (5) marks. 3. Indicate the course code and title, your name, student number, seminar section, and lecturer’s name on the cover page of your assignment. 4. The deadline for submission is Friday 15 March 2013 at 5 pm. Additional instructions on the submission of your coursework assignment will be provided to you on Blackboard / in class. 5. You must stri ctly adhere to the policy of City University of Hong Kong on plagiarism, which is a serious academic offence. Suspected plagiarism may be subject to disciplinary action.You may discuss your work with others, but you must provide your own answers. In case of doubt as to what amounts to plagiarism, please consult your lecturer. All coursework assignments will be reviewed on Turnitin for plagiarism and originality. 6. Any sources for your answers must be footnoted in the paper. You should cite authority (i. e. cases and/or statutes) to support your legal arguments, and these sources must be acknowledged. 7. Examples of proper citation: Case: Liu Hon Ying v Hua Xin State Enterprise (HK) Ltd [2003] 3 HKLRD 347 Statute: s. 75(1) of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) 8. Extension to the deadline for submitting the assignment may be granted only in exceptional circumstances. Prior to obtaining any extension to the deadline, you must first approach your lecturer well in advance with a reason a nd supporting documentation for the request. 9. Any late submissions without permission will incur a penalty of 5 marks per day. For example, for a 2-day delay, a student’s mark may be reduced from 80 marks to 70 marks. No assignment will be accepted after 22 March 2013. 1Instructions: Answer both questions. Question 1 (50%) Lee used to work as a chef at Golden Wok of Fortune, a famous dim sum restaurant in Mong Kok, Kowloon. During his employment, Lee gained a lot of experience in the art of making, preparing and serving dim sum. In particular, Lee learnt the secret ingredients for the restaurant’s special sauce, which made its dim sum items so popular. Since he was a child, Lee had dreamed of starting his own dim sum business, and after many years of dedicated service to Golden Wok of Fortune, Lee decided to leave the restaurant.However, Lee’s employment contract with the restaurant contained a non-competition clause which forbade him from setting up a competi ng dim sum business in Mong Kok within 1 year of termination of employment. It also contained a confidentiality clause which prohibited him from disclosing the ingredients of any recipes that Lee had learnt in the course of his employment. To circumvent these restrictions, Lee incorporated a catering company called Fragrant Kitchen Ltd. specializing in the preparation and sale of dim sum items for office parties and other special events.The head office of the company was based in Shatin, but had branches located in Mong Kok and Tsim Sha Tsui. Lee appointed himself CEO of the company, and was the only director and shareholder. The products of Fragrant Kitchen Ltd. were very popular because of its special sauce, which tasted suspiciously similar to that of Golden Wok. Lee also embarked on a very successful marketing campaign, with the motto: â€Å"Enjoy excellent dim sum in the comfort of your own office or home. Don’t come to us, we will come to you! Due to the attractive pri ces offered by Lee’s new company, many of Golden Wok’s previous customers stopped patronizing Golden Wok. Golden Wok has since become aware of Lee’s connection with Fragrant Kitchen, and is considering legal action against Lee. Advise Golden Wok. Question 2 (50%) Michael and Joshua, both of whom are freelance interior decorators, decided to go into business together in 1990. Michael contributed HK$500,000, a vehicle and some supplies and equipment to the business. Joshua did not contribute any money or assets, but agreed to work full time for the business.Michael and Joshua did not sign any partnership agreement. In the course of their long collaboration, Michael paid Joshua a monthly wage of HK $16, 000, and also paid himself out of the business bank account. Only Michael had signing authority on the business bank account. Joshua was very dedicated to the business and all of his customers were impressed with his decorating skills. Michael, on the other hand, pl ayed a largely managerial role in the business and left most of the decorating work to Joshua.Michael pocketed 2 all of the profit generated by Joshua’s decorating work, but re-invested some of the money in the business over the years. In 2011, Michael acquired a new office building for the business, which Joshua helped decorate and furnish. In 2013, after 23 years of working side by side, the relationship between the two men began to sour. Joshua now wishes to be acknowledged as a partner and claims to be entitled to 50% of the business’s assets. Does a partnership exist? Advise Joshua. 3

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

New Issues during the Civil Rights Movements Essay

â€Å"What new issues emerged for the civil rights movement in the period 1965-1970? How did black leaders respond to those issues in different ways? † During the period 1965-1970, new issues had emerged for the civil rights movement, such as the question of whether Martin Luther King’s philosophy of non-violent tactics were too moderate and limited, poverty and voting rights. During 1965 to 1970, black leaders responded to these issues in a number of ways. Responses to these issues included the forming of Black Nationalist groups, voter registration campaigns and campaigns to get rid of poverty. An issue that emerged during 1965-1970 for the black civil rights movement was voting rights. Even though blacks had been given the right to vote since 1964, they often were frightened and intimidated by the whites if they went and voted. An example of this is with Fannie Ion Hamer. When Hamer came back from registering to vote, she was met by the owner of the plantation where she and her husband had worked for 17 years and was told that she would either leave or withdraw her name from the voters roll. She left and that night 16 shots were fired at the house she and her husband were staying in. Blacks were forced to do literacy tests, which most failed, before they could become registered voters; this was done to prevent the blacks from voting as they didn’t have very good literacy skills. By 1965 very few blacks were still not enrolled for example in Selma and Alabama, where only 350 blacks were registered to vote. The voting had become a new issue because many black civil rights leaders realized the significance of blacks voting to get their own people into positions of authority and create more progress for blacks in America. Another issue that emerged in the 1965-1970 for the black civil rights movement was the question whether Martin Luther King’s philosophy of non-violence stance was too moderate and limited. Martin Luther King’s tactics for making America desegregated was all non-violence, for example sit-ins, marches, signs or protests, boycotts, freedom rides and wait-ins. At first these tactics worked. The freedom rides achieved to desegregate bus terminals, issued by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The sit-ins worked because the protesters annoyed the whites, but not enough for them to take violent action from the police. Bills and laws were being passed. In the 1963 Birmingham campaign led by Martin Luther King the sit-ins, boycotts and mass marches managed to desegregate Birmingham. But by 1966 Black Power emerged and was an alternative philosophy to non-violent protest that civil rights’ activists could use. To some black leaders the methods Martin Luther King had always seemed too fair and his aim of winning concessions from the white majority appeared too inadequate. This was an issue to many blacks, because even though the non-violent methods worked most of the time, blacks were still getting beaten for it and or even killed. The Black Power became a very good alternative because it united black people to recognize their heritage, to build a sense of community. It was a call for black people to define their own goals, doing whatever is necessary to get what they need. The Black Power proved its point in the riots that emerged in Watts, Selma and Chicago, where blacks got what they wanted using means of violence. The riots showed that violence can be the answer too, the total opposite of Martin Luther King’s beliefs. Poverty was another issue the civil rights movement had to face in the period 1965-1970. Poverty of blacks occurred because of blacks being denied skilled jobs that paid well, this led the blacks to not having enough money for education, housing and food supplies, which led to theft among their own people. Blacks in ghettos believed there was no point in going to school if in the end they weren’t to get any good, well paid jobs. Blacks found that there was no use in working if their jobs paid a little more than the Social Security payments for the unemployed. These beliefs created a cycle of poverty and that in order to change and progress further than they already are they needed to break that poverty cycle. This proved to be a great challenge for conservative black groups and leaders but was one of the significant factors for the rise of nationalists groups. In response to the issue of voting rights, black leaders held many voter registration campaigns and demonstrations. An example was the Selma Campaign in 1965, which became a significant campaign. Marches from Selma to Montgomery, which had been banned by the Federal Court, was led by Martin Luther King. On one march the marchers were met by State Troops and so King led them in prayer and marched them back to Selma. This cost the support of many King’s younger supporters, but the Selma Campaign was still a success. This led to the introduction of the Voters’ Rights Bill, which ensured that obstruction to voting would be prevented and many more blacks were now enrolling. In response to the questioning of Martin Luther Kings non-violent methods, black leaders started to form nationalists groups which had more violent policies. For example, in 1966 the Black Panthers were formed. They called for the arming of blacks, to have all blacks released from prison and for blacks to receive compensation for centuries of exploitation by whites. This group also used a lot of violence, but younger blacks found this more appealing than Martin Luther King’s tactics, as they had more aggressive approaches and could relate to blacks who had grown up in the ghettos. Finally, in response to the issue of poverty, black leaders held campaigns for this problem too. During 1968, King organised the ‘Poor Peoples Campaign’. This was an attempt to bring together all of America’s poor – not just blacks – and was obviously not fought along racial lines. This would have been a great way to deal with the poverty of America because it would have brought together many different groups of people in order to achieve common goals. In conclusion during the civil rights movement in years 1965-1970, the new issues that emerged were voting rights, the question whether Martin Luther King’s tactics were too fair and limited and poverty. These issues were responded by the black leaders in different ways such as the forming of Black Nationalists groups, for example the Black Panthers, voter registration campaigns and campaigns to get rid of poverty.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Charlemagne Study Guide - Important Facts

Charlemagne Study Guide - Important Facts BiographyTimelinePeople Birth and Family: Charlemagnes parents were Pippin III and Bertrada, who wed in 744.His traditional date of birth (742) makes him illegitimate. Most scholars agree he was born after his parents married, possibly as late as 747.Charlemagne married five times and had numerous concubines and children. He kept his family around him nearly always, sometimes bringing his sons with him on campaigns.Only one legitimate son, Louis, survived him to inherit the empire. Campaigns, Conquests Expansion: Charlemagnes methods could be extreme, but the end result was the largest territory to be governed under one ruler in Europe in the Middle Ages. (See map.) Avars: 791-796The Avars had once controlled a small empire near present-day Belgrade. Charlemagne virtually eliminated their society, the remains of which would succumb to the Bulgars in the 9th century.Bavaria: 788When Duke Tassilo reneged on his oath of fealty, the king removed him from power and put Bavaria under his jurisdiction. This brought the territory of all the Germanic tribes into one political unit.Lombardy: 771-774Answering the call for help of Pope Adrian I, who was pressured by the Lombard king to anoint Carlomans sons as Frankish kings, Charlemagne launched a campaign that included an extended siege of Pavia, Lombardys capital. Saxons: 772-804The war against the Saxons, though interrupted by truces, pledges of allegiance and mass baptisms, was particularly bloody and included the execution of 4,500 Saxon prisoners in one day. In all, Charles engaged the Saxons 18 times.Spain: 778Charlemagnes most serious defeat took place when he failed to take Saragossa, retreated across the Pyrenees, and was ambushed by Basques. The death of one of his lords would later be memorialized in the epic poem, The Song of Roland. Administration: Charles generally delegated authority as follows: Comtes (Counts) ruled regions within the stable territory of FranciaMargraves governed newly-acquired territories (marches), where military measures were necessary to maintain orderBoth comtes and margraves reported to Dukes, governors of the larger divisions of land who were Charlemagnes close relatives and most trusted friendsMissi dominici acted as his emissaries and inspectors general, traveling throughout the empire Cultural Impact: Charlemagnes patronage of learning would result in: A Carolingian Renaissance in which art and literature would flourishThe preservation of numerous Latin manuscripts that would otherwise have been lostThe establishment of a good number of monastic schoolsThe creation of Carolingian Miniscule, an alternative to the capital letters used in Latin text Charlemagnes Legacy: Although the empire Charles built did not long outlast his death, still his consolidation of territory was an important stage in the growth of Europe. In addition, many of the changes and developments made by Charles himself, or fostered due to his patronage, would endure long beyond the Carolingian Empire. The offices created or adapted by Charlemagne would persist for centuries in the variations of counts, dukes and marquises across Europe and Britain.Charlemagne reorganized the monetary system, devising the system of pounds, shillings and pence used throughout Europe in the middle ages and in Britain until the 1970s.The monastic schools Charlemagne developed would preserve a tradition of learning, which in turn made an important burst of medieval scholarship possible in what became known as the 12th-century Renaissance.90% of the works of ancient Rome now in existence are preserved in the form of eighth- and ninth-century manuscripts copied in Carolingian monasteries.The Carolingian miniscule script would eventually become the lower-case letters we use today.The Song of Roland, inspired by events that took place in Charlemagnes worst defeat, is the earliest known chanson de geste. It is part of a cycle of works that revolve around Charlemagne, about whom many legends sprang up. These legends, known as the matter of France, would influence French and European literature through the centuries to today. Charles had a palace and a cathedral built in his favorite town, Aachen (or Aix-la-Chapelle), where he also died and was buried. Aachen became the location of the coronation of every emperor until the 16th century.The Carolingian Empire would inspire a tenth-century ruler, Otto the Great, to consolidate his territory in what came to be known as the Holy Roman Empire. Covering much of what Charles had controlled during his lifetime, the Holy Roman Empire was one of the most significant political entities of the Middle Ages. Charlemagne Study Guide BiographyTimelinePeople

Monday, October 21, 2019

From Little Acorns Grow Mighty Physical Education Essays Essays

From Little Acorns Grow Mighty Physical Education Essays Essays From Little Acorns Grow Mighty Physical Education Essays Paper From Little Acorns Grow Mighty Physical Education Essays Paper Subject: Child AND ADOLESCENT MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES IN IRELAND. The Mental Health Act 2001, became jurisprudence on 1 November 2002 and along with subsequent Acts of the Apostless 2006 and update in 2009 should hold guaranteed the betterment of attention for those sing and affected by mental wellness. The debut of this Act meant that any determinations made refering the attention and intervention of a individual affected by mental wellness, should be made in their best involvement and that respect should be given to other individuals that may be deemed at hazard if a determination was non to be made of serious injury ( HSE, 2010 ) . The undermentioned essay will concentrate on the mental Health Services presently available to kids and striplings and why these services despite the purposes and aspirations of the above Act, can frequently be referred to or seen as the Cinderella service, ( Women s Mental Health Council,2010 ) . A faery Tell, a fictional narrative non ever with a happy stoping for those who rely on it. Whilst turning up most kids will demo stray and ephemeral emotional perturbation and/or behavioral troubles, of these kids, some may endure from a degree of perturbation that may in bend interfere with the normal developmental procedure and some signifier of intercession may be deemed necessary. : Mental wellness is defined by the universe Health Organisation 2001, as a constituent of wellness through which an person realises their cognitive, affectional and rational abilities, with good mental wellness a individual is more effectual with get bying with life s stresses/work fruitfully and do a positive part to one s community. ( Share and Lalor, 2009 ) . Harmonizing to the Health Service Executive it is estimated that one in four/five people will see mental wellness jobs in their life-time. ( HSE,2010 ) . The universe Administration 2001, reports that 20 per cent of 15 twelvemonth olds or younger throughout the universe at some point will see mild to severe mental wellness troubles, , but besides states that many of these will stay untreated because/due to the deficiency of services ( Share and Lalor,2009 ) . Many working groups and studies have been improved or implemented since the 2001 Mental Health Act, including the kid and Mental Health Service Report 2009-1010, a Vision for alteration 2006, the specializer Child and Adolescent Mental Health Advisory Group 2009, mental Health Commission 2002, and the Mental Health Expert Advisory Group. A Vision for Change presently in its 5th twelvemonth was launched by Mary Harney the so T A ; aacute ; naiste and Minster for Health and Children in 2006, prior to the recession or recent authorities crisis. This vision was so adopted as the formal national policy for the proviso of mental wellness services and was endorsed by patients advocators for patients and the mental wellness professional community. This vision was to advance a individual centered recovery orientated and holistic attack to mental unwellness and that the programme was to be funded from the sale of preexistent mental wellness lands and belongingss ( HSE, 2010 ) , including the sale and closing of 15 Victorian infirmaries promised by John Moloney during his statement to the House of the Oireachtas on 23 March 2010. Although it would be far to besides add that he did non print a clip line or budget program. The Child and mental Health service ( CAMHS ) have duty for the development of mental wellness services for kids and adolescents up until a younger grownup reaches 18 old ages of age There purpose is the development of 90 nine multi-disciplinary CAMHS squads, of which 50 five are already in topographic point, fifty community squads, to twenty-four hours hospital squads and three pediatric infirmary affair squads in add-on to other recommendations. With so much support being available to organize and implement so may groups and studies betterment should be huge. Deputy John Moloney the so Minister of State during his statement to the House of the Oireachtas on 23 March 2010, is recorded as saying that 70 per cent of mental wellness troubles begin in the kid and adolescent old ages, and that despite the economic down bend that advancement is being maintained in relation to mental wellness services an illustration of these betterments was the doubling of available inpatient beds from the minimum figure of 15 to the tremendous figure of 30 inmate beds, to cover the full population of 20 six counties in a state where the population harmonizing to the 2006 figures from the cardinal statistics office was recorded as being 4,239,848 of which 864,449 were aged between nothing and 14 ( Central Statistics Office, 2010 ) . The failure of mental wellness services available to Children and striplings has been highlighted in recent old ages with newspaper headlines foregrounding the usage of grownup psychiatric wards being used to suit kids every bit immature as 14. Harmonizing to newspapers such as the Belfast Telegraph on 7 October 2010 over one 100 adolescents enduring mental unwellness were admitted to adult psychiatric units during 2010. The graduated table of the job emerged after four adolescents over a few twenty-four hours period were admitted to the same mental wellness service unit at Waterford regional infirmary. It was noted that of the 100 adolescents forty three were under 17 old ages of age and the staying 50 seven were under 18. It was fortunate that at the clip this entrees occurred the amendment to the mental wellness ordinances had non come into force, and was non considered a breach of mental wellness ordinances, from December 2010 the age bound for preventing admittances to adults un its was increased to seventeen and this is due to be raised once more from 1 December 2011 to eighteen. ( Belfast Telegraph,2010 ) . Despite these Numbers 2010 really showed a lessening in kids and striplings being admitted to adult units, harmonizing to Amnesty International, in 2009 two 100 people were admitted to adult units and in 2008 this figure was two 100 and 40 seven. The figure of Children and striplings being admitted to adult units may be diminishing but the existent figure really being admitted to inmates units continues to lift, during the first nine months of 2010, sixty three per cent of immature individual s being treated for mental wellness conditions were admitted to child and adolescent units an addition of 19 per cent on the 2009 figures. This harmonizing to the Department of Health and Children is expected to go on to increase with the gap of the two new 20 bed units in both Cork and Galway ( section of Health and Children.2010 ) . Prior to the execution of the Vision of Change the age cut off age between kids and grownup services was 16 old ages. These additions occurred despite the purposed move off from the infirmary based theoretical account and towards more attention in the community and within the clients ain place ( HSE, 2010 ) . Improvements despite nevertheless minimum are still betterments, from small acorns turn almighty oaks. The HSE published its 2nd one-year study on Child and Mental Health Services on 23 November 2010, This study highlights that within the twelvemonth 1 October 2009 and 30 September 2010 7651 new instances were seen by the CAMHS squads and of these new instances 47 per cent were seen within one month and 69 per cent within three months of the initial referral ( HSE,2010 ) . This study states that waiting lists have decreased by 9.5 per cent stand foring a lessening of 247 individuals compared to the study besides acknowledges that despite this lessening 2370 kids and striplings still await assignments. These 2370 immature grownups all with households, parents, callings, siblings, equals, instructors all waiting an assignment all perchance affected by behaviour jobs of some sort, all indirectly expecting aid to some grade, and all trusting for a positive results. These immature grownup s await assignments despite the fact that the UN Convention on the Rights of the kid states that Governments and relevant subordinate organic structures of province have a duty to take all available steps to guarantee that kids s rights are respected, protected and fulfilled ( ACAMH,2008 ) .. The exact figure of these that could be considered at hazard despite the purposes of the 2001 Mental Health Act remain unknown. Despite apparently little betterments or what the HSE see as a broad scope of community based services such as outpatient clinics, medium support groups places, residential units and acute admittances wards etc. , ( HSE,2010 ) . Orla Barry manager of the Mental Health Commission states that cuts in staffing, edifices unfit for use/purpose, funding cutbacks, deficiency of conformity with basic criterions and with no meaningful programs to drive reform that the HSE is non presenting on its promises ( Amnesty International,2010 ) . Orla Barry besides states that mental wellness disbursement is at its lowest degree in modern history and that over half of the staff cuts in 2010 were from mental wellness which represented nine per cent of the Health service Executive work force ( Healthrisk,2010 ) . Dr Teresa Carey, Inspector of Mental Health Facilities besides paints a subdued position of the mental wellness system and provinces that cardinal to the bringing of effectual mental wellness s ervices is the ability to garner, analyse and manage information, but describes the information capablenesss of the Irish mental wellness service as primitive which has further deductions for the allotment of resources and make up ones minding of staffing degrees ( SIPTU NURSING, 2006 ) This essay will reason that despite recorded betterments to the mental wellness Servicess or the good purposes of all the studies and working groups. Purposes are lone purposes, more evidently needs to be done, for those who merely by age entirely irrespective of the mental wellness job they are sing, are one of the most vulnerable sectors of society and are unable to recommend for themselves. A waiting list regardless of size is still a waiting list. These immature grownups can be sing different grades of mental damage from depression to consider self-harm, and the demand for betterment can merely be enforced, with the Child and mental Health service ( CAMHS ) really saying that good results are most likely if the kid or stripling and their household or carer have entree to seasonably well-coordinated advice, appraisal and grounds based intervention ( HSE,2010 ) . Word Count excepting headers: 1648

Sunday, October 20, 2019

7 Tips for Writing for Online Readers

7 Tips for Writing for Online Readers 7 Tips for Writing for Online Readers 7 Tips for Writing for Online Readers By Mark Nichol For some people, if a topic interests them, they are quite content to immerse themselves in extensive online articles that are otherwise indistinguishable from print content. Most Web site visitors, however, have a different set of expectations when they read on a computer screen. Nearly every medium has its own rules; here are seven tips to help you write for an online audience, whether you have your own site or blog or whether you submit content to other people’s sites. 1. Write for scanners, not for readers. Before you buy a book, you probably read the jacket copy synopsis, testimonials, the author’s biography. When you pick up a magazine or a newspaper, you quickly peruse the headlines. The same principle applies online: Provide points of entry for scanners headlines, subheadings, bullet lists, captions. Write clear, concise sentences. Keep paragraphs and other blocks of copy short and tight. Most important, keep in mind that visitors may never click over from scanning to reading, so pack as much information as you can into the points of entry. 2. Know your audience. Do you want your readers to geek out about some high tech topic? Do you hope they’ll come back to your site because you rate products effectively and they know they can count on you? Should they leave your site knowing what’s happening in the world today? Is your goal to get them to bookmark your site because you busted their guts with your witty prose? Shape your content accordingly not just how it reads but also how it appears. 3. Design your content. Provide visual clues about organization, intent, and content: Make subheadings smaller than headlines. In a heading for a pros-and-cons list, color â€Å"Pros† green and â€Å"Cons† red. On a site about target shooting, replace the dots in a bullet list with images of real bullets, or, on a gardening site, swap little flowers in place of the dots. But don’t push it your subliminal messaging should be â€Å"See how useful/entertaining this site is?† not â€Å"See how clever I am?† 4. Think like a journalist. One of the principles of journalistic writing is presenting information in an inverted pyramid of vital to trivial, with who, what, when, where, and why (otherwise known as the 5 Ws) right up top. Tell readers what you want them to know, now, and save the background information and the additional details for later. 5. Translate print content. When you upload copy already published on paper, repurpose it for the Internet: Offer points of entry, tighten and divide complex sentences, break up long paragraphs, and cut extraneous content. 6. Be witty sparingly. As much as it hurts a fan of punning and alliteration to write this, leave your sense of humor at the door (then sneak it in later). Straightforward headlines make it onto search engines’ search returns and draw readers in; chucklesome wordplay doesn’t. Save the wacky stuff for after they’ve committed to remaining on your site. 7. Link. Link. Link. When building an argument or providing an example, instead of extensively repeating what has already been published online, insert a link to the source. Don’t fear losing visitors; you’ve followed the rest of my advice, so they’ll come back. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative Conflict"Certified" and "Certificated"5 Examples of Insufficient Hyphenation

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Finance and Accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 2

Finance and Accounting - Essay Example They analyze results of strategic decisions and measure the value of the results, strategize to maximize profitability, sustainability and flexibility, ensure that the business continues to grow, return value to owners and attract more resources, and make the decisions that are reflected in the financial statements, they are key players in the world of business (Robinson, 2012, 12). They record, analyze, summarize and report financial information for use by the management and investors, they also play an integral role in the firm’s daily management and decision making process, they execute strategic goals, drive growth and manage the firm’s risk by implementing financial controls over its business activities (Alba, et. al, 2005, 103). Financial accountability is important in maintaining a healthy business. They also educate their employers on financial information accordingly and advise them. Generally they do not have to work with other employees as they report to the management directly. The average salary of a financial accountant is $50820 per year (Robinson, 2012, 97). Tasks carried out by a financial accountant include summarizing and preparing financial records and statements to report externally, maintaining records of assets, liabilities, capital (shareholders’ equity), tax demands and financial transactions in the organization. They utilize accounting principles to ensure compliance with regulatory reporting requirements. To become an accountant one requires advanced education and formal certification to get qualified for senior accounting jobs. On the most basic level, accountants keep and inspect financial accounts for companies, government institutions and individuals. Some accountants are self employed while others work for large firms. Most accountants work full time though some work part time. Those who work part time are usually busier during end of financial year and during tax season (Ryan, 2004, 45). Most accounting professionals have

Friday, October 18, 2019

The VDOT Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The VDOT Management - Assignment Example Theory X is a concept of inspiration, which assumes that the workforce does not like certain tasks, or change, but can complete the tasks effectively under the high control of the management. The theory’s management method can be soft or tough. For example, when using the hard approach, the VDOT managers must coerce, control, and threaten the staff in order to augment the job performance. To use the soft method, the leaders should be lenient and seek unity, and this will motivate the workers to be cooperative. The hard approach is usually not very helpful since it can lead to low outputs and hostility. The soft way augments the workforce desire for higher incentive in exchange for lower work performance (Lauby, 2005). The organization can also use goal-setting theory. The VDOT should involve the staff in goal setting. This theory implies that the workers can be inspired to realize the goals that they sett together with their supervisor. This will motivate personnel to work tirelessly to meet the set goals (Pride, Hughes, & Kapoor, 2011). Previously, VDOT was famous for its innovations in the engineering field and perfectly conducted researches. However, with the progress of time, the VDOT employees lost self-esteem in work therefore, they decided to introduce the management theories to improve the organizational configuration together with management. Firstly, VDOT helps the managers in rectifying the appearance and efficiency of dissimilar departments at the workplace through the provision of their management theories. In doing this, VDOT ensures the provisions of funds, technology, equipment’s and manpower which are planned, organized, motivated and controlled to enhance good productivity within an organization (Gluck & Lorenz, 2010). Secondly, VDOT is vital to managers in solving their management problems because it has a function of fostering the business plan processes. Therefore, it identifies and resolves the most critical issue that might affect a business plan before  its implementation.  

Irish Soap Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Irish Soap Culture - Essay Example This paper is built around the central idea that soaps structure and inform the realities of many, and examines the phenomenon of soap operas in Ireland within this theoretical framework. The term 'soap opera' bears little resemblance to the nature of the genre itself, and is a curious amalgam of connotations. The origins of the term, which brings to mind a visual image quite unlike anything that is actually the content of a soap opera, have evolved - or perhaps 'mutated' is a better word - into the current avatar of the genre, the history of the nomenclature of which may be pieced together through a brief examination of the semantics of the term. It combines various ideas, as analyzed in this description: The "soap" in soap opera alluded to their sponsorship by manufacturers of household cleaning products; while "opera" suggested an ironic incongruity between the domestic narrative concerns of the daytime serial and the most elevated of dramatic forms. ("Soap Opera," paragraph 1) As the term itself suggests, the patterns of plot and characterization in soap operas have reached a generic level, and many theorists have identified several distinctive features of the genre. M. E. Brown has identified the following as the generic characteristics of soap operas: According to Robert C. ... 6. male characters who are 'sensitive men' 7. female characters who are often professional and otherwise powerful in the world outside the home 8. the home, or some other place which functions as the home, as the setting for the show. (Brown, 1987, paragraph 1) According to Robert C. Allen in Speaking of Soap Operas, there is much ambiguity involved in the attempted definition of the genre. He writes: "Since the 1930s the soap opera has been defined by what it pretends to be but is not, by what it lacks rather than what it is" (2). He points out that with reference to the definitions of what soap operas are, "we need to examine not only what was said about soap operas but also what was assumed and left unsaid" (12). Allen speaks in terms of the soap opera's "sense of kitsch," and opines that the soap has "eventual psychosocial consequences [on] mass culture, suggesting that the agenda of the soap opera is to take the "place of art in the lives of the masses," and that "what has taken place is nothing less than a subversion of an important part of the social order" (18). Therefore, he suggests that the objective of the soap opera is to undermine the fabric of society itself by seeking to replace the role that art has traditionally played in society. Helena Sheehan, author of Irish Television Drama: A Society and Its Stories, points out that soap operas originated with the supposed attempt to represent society, and followed a distinct and recurring pattern which could easily be identified as well as predicted as one was subjected to a series of soap operas all revolving around the same ideas. She writes that many soap operas create the illusion that what they are presenting to their audiences are grand but authentic portrayals of reality,

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Freedom Writers - Economics of Race and Gender Movie Review

Freedom Writers - Economics of Race and Gender - Movie Review Example The movie is made in the context of Rodney King sparked LA riots in 1992 and its impact on people with a special reference to the lives of students at Wilson High School after a few years of riots. Director set the stage for a serious subject in the very beginning of the movie while filming street situation and unrest during riots. Long Beach is a gang-infested and poverty-stricken place where violence and killing is the everyday story. This scenario wages a new war in streets and school is no different, a cynical resentment and anger moves in school hallways and triggers violent confrontations between students at any point in time. In the very beginning, Erin’s enthusiasm for teaching was scoffed at and her students were entitled to be â€Å"un-teachable† rather â€Å"at-risk† gangsters who can never be tamed. Despite her unexpected encounter with students and their arrogant behavior, Erin decided to fight for the purpose of her presence in school as a teacher. After the initial hostile reaction to her efforts, Erin creatively tried to be friend with students. It was the only way to unite the teens and teach them to think beyond the racial divided that they couldn’t cross even in the classroom. Their minds were blocked by the perceptions that they were anything except students; they were blacks, whites or Cambodians. Erin wanted to expose them to different perspectives and ideologies beyond their own streets and homes. It was only possible through books but to Erin’s surprise, school authority not only refused to provide books but other resources as well. For authorities, it was the waste of time and resources. Somewhat discouraged and shocked, Erin takes up the part-time job in order to provide students with learning aids. By encouraging students to write what they feel like in their diaries inspired by Anne Frank and Zlata’s Diary: A child’s life in Sarajevo, she not only worked on their language skills but also taught them tolerance and compassion.

Prudential Insurence Case Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Prudential Insurence Case - Assignment Example The company’s tangible resources are financial, human and physical resources. It had in its possession several physical resources that she managed; they include equipment and buildings. The strong financial position of the company ensured that it had very stable financial resources for conducting its duties or operations without substantial problems in terms of shortages of money. This considerably put it in a position of avoiding unnecessary debt financing. Nevertheless, the company also ensured that it maintained a workforce that is highly motivated; which has been a major driving force in ensuring that it achieves its intended goals of service delivery to its clients. Furthermore, the company invested heavily in the development and training of its employees as this is a critical factor in making sure the employees that are fully involved or fully engaged in the service provision deliver work or services of high quality, and those that deal with matters marketing or promotio n make sure that the potential clients are made aware.On the other hand, the intangible resources of the company included, goodwill, intellectual and technical (Hopkin, 2012). The company had for a very long time enjoyed the technical resources that greatly facilitated its goals. Events identified by the management The most critical events that were identified by the management were fraudulent practices on the side of the sales agents. This was reported by the internal auditors of the company in the year 1982. A failure by the management of the company to ensure that consumer protection regulations and laws are enforced was also detailed during the early 1990s by the internal audits of the regional offices and individual divisions. At first, we can say that the management did not take the events seriously, which means that they considered them as opportunities to continue their fraudulent practices until when matters got out of hand as the reputation of the company started going dow n significantly, when they were again seen as risks that called for drastic actions or solutions. Management’s primary risk response The management cannot be commended wholly for identifying the risks that were facing the company as they were revealed but no drastic measures were taken, instead they were viewed as opportunities; this can be said so as it failed to enforced the consumer protection laws and regularities, meaning that there was no goodwill to seal the loopholes. The management did not react immediately when it was realized that there were serious fraudulent activities on the side of the agents, which was turning out to be the biggest undoing or problem of the company. When a report was released by the internal auditors to the board of directors of the company, they continually insisted that the management was aware of the problems and was taking the necessary measures in ensuring that they were solved amicably and completely (Hopkin, 2012). When matters got wors e, the board of directors found it necessary to ensure that there is a change of guard, whereby a new manager in the name of Ryan was brought in to try his part even though he was largely untested. However, when Ryan came in, he deemed it necessary to overhaul some of the company’s structures by first changing the business approach of the company

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Freedom Writers - Economics of Race and Gender Movie Review

Freedom Writers - Economics of Race and Gender - Movie Review Example The movie is made in the context of Rodney King sparked LA riots in 1992 and its impact on people with a special reference to the lives of students at Wilson High School after a few years of riots. Director set the stage for a serious subject in the very beginning of the movie while filming street situation and unrest during riots. Long Beach is a gang-infested and poverty-stricken place where violence and killing is the everyday story. This scenario wages a new war in streets and school is no different, a cynical resentment and anger moves in school hallways and triggers violent confrontations between students at any point in time. In the very beginning, Erin’s enthusiasm for teaching was scoffed at and her students were entitled to be â€Å"un-teachable† rather â€Å"at-risk† gangsters who can never be tamed. Despite her unexpected encounter with students and their arrogant behavior, Erin decided to fight for the purpose of her presence in school as a teacher. After the initial hostile reaction to her efforts, Erin creatively tried to be friend with students. It was the only way to unite the teens and teach them to think beyond the racial divided that they couldn’t cross even in the classroom. Their minds were blocked by the perceptions that they were anything except students; they were blacks, whites or Cambodians. Erin wanted to expose them to different perspectives and ideologies beyond their own streets and homes. It was only possible through books but to Erin’s surprise, school authority not only refused to provide books but other resources as well. For authorities, it was the waste of time and resources. Somewhat discouraged and shocked, Erin takes up the part-time job in order to provide students with learning aids. By encouraging students to write what they feel like in their diaries inspired by Anne Frank and Zlata’s Diary: A child’s life in Sarajevo, she not only worked on their language skills but also taught them tolerance and compassion.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Vitamin D and Cancer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Vitamin D and Cancer - Research Paper Example There are some studies which showed that increase intake of foods and dietary supplements containing high vitamin D content is associated with decrease incidence of different malignancies for instance colorectal carcinoma, the fact whether vitamin D decreases the incidence of other cancers for example breast, pancreatic or prostate cancer is still unclear. [1] Calcitriol, the hormonally active form of this vitamin have been tested and proven in many of the animal models that it has got growth inhibitory as well as favorable effects on the differentiation of the tumor cells resulting in the slowing down of the tumor cells. ... which were living in the areas with increase sun exposures suffered from a skin cancer usually Squamous Cell Carcinoma (S.C.C) which is not a fatal one usually due to its less likelihood to metastasize but these people showed decrease incidence of serious internal malignancies like breast, prostate or colorectal cancers which supported the fact that vitamin D has a protective effect by decreasing the incidence of malignancies. The role of the vitamin D remains unclear until in the late 1980s when two epidemiologists named Garland brothers stated that adequate sunlight decreased the incidence of Colon Cancer. They also observed that women who were exposed to adequate sunlight have fifty percent less mortality from breast cancer then the women who has relatively less sun exposure and afterwards another researcher named Gary Schwartz observed the same to be true for the prostate cancer and they all were of the view that vitamin D is the main agent behind this observation. The Garlands a lso showed that low levels of vitamin D also relates with the development of colorectal cancers which also explained their earlier observation in which they showed that people who developed S.C.C were at decreased risk of developing cancers like prostatic carcinoma or colorectal carcinoma and it is due to the increase blood level of Calcitriol in these patients owing to increase exposure to sunlight. Figure 1: chemical structure of vitamin D [20] 1.1.1. Vitamin D and the Colon Cancer: The colon cancer is one of the deadliest and the prevalent form of solid malignancy. In 1980’s Garland Brothers showed that colon cancer has got a decreased incidence in people living in the sunny areas and this was possibly due to increase concentration of Calcitriol in their blood. In 1985, scientists

Moments of dramatic tension Essay Example for Free

Moments of dramatic tension Essay Choose two scenes which you consider to be particularly interesting moments of dramatic tension. Write about why they are especially dramatic and why they are important in the play  For this essay I am going to concentrate on the scene at the end of act one in A View from the Bridge by Arthur Miller. In the previous scene Eddie, the main character, has just been to see Alfieri, a lawyer who once represented Eddies father and also the narrator for this play, for legal and moral advice on what to do. Eddie is confused and needs someone to kick him in the right direction. I know this because Alfieri said that his eyes looked like tunnels. Eddie feels that Rodolfo is gay and is only after his passport. Another reason Eddie is confused is that he loves Catherine too much. Alfieri has just told Eddie that there is nothing that Eddie can do apart from go to the Immigration Bureau or accept the situation and be happy for the two. This leads into this essays scene. It is set in the apartment and opens with Catherine talking about Marco and Rodolfos trip to Africa. I believe that the tension begins to grow when Eddie dismisses her excitement. I think this because I believe Eddie is trying to not think about Rodolfo so is saying so what if they have. It is obvious that Eddie really is interested when he says How long that take you, Marco. Eddie is directing this conversation at Marco and has taken Rodolfo out of the conversation. This shows that Eddie does not like Rodolfo and would rather not think of him. The conversation then carries awhile the tension decreases and the entire family is now into the conversation. Eddie then belittles Beatrice in front of everyone. Beatrice never knew that sardines could not be caught with a hook. I think that this the tension increases with this. Eddie and Beatrices relationship has not been smooth lately and this didnt help.  To release the tension Eddie comes up with a joke. He says that oranges are green and are painted to give them colour. Rodolfo then belittles Eddie by saying pointing out the obvious and saying that lemons are green. I believe he did this because the one of the themes of the book is family loyalty and I think he said this to get revenge for Beatrice. This causes the tension to develop more. Eddie does not want to even talk to Rodolfo let alone be disrespected by him. The tension is then released by Beatrice who changes the topic. This conversation too caries on for sometime and Eddie makes another joke. Eddie says they count the kids and theres a couple extra than when they left? Rodolfo then says that it is stricter in Italy than it is in Brooklyn. Eddie gets offended by this because Rodolfo is saying that American girls (e.g. Catherine) are easier. I believe that the dramatic tension at this point is higher than any part before it. Miller shows the tension by writing stage directions for Eddie to rise and pace up and down. There is then a conversation between Eddie and Rodolfo. Eddie is comparing Rodolfo and Catherines relationship to how one would be in their town in Italy. Beatrice takes Rodolfos side in this argument as she knows where it is going. Marco takes Eddies side as he doesnt want any trouble. Marco also tells Rodolfo off and it is clear that Marco wants this argument to end. An argument begins between Beatrice and Eddie then. They are arguing whether a person is safer during the day or at night . The tension is still on high alert when Catherine asks Rodolfo to dance deliberately to annoy Eddie and show him that nothing will come between the twos relationship. Rodolfo decides not to as he knows that he has already pushed Eddie enough but eventually gives in.  Once again Beatrice lowers the tension by changing the topic. The focus goes back to fishing and it is soon revealed that Rodolfo can cook. Once Eddie hears about it he talks and implies Rodolfos homosexuality but Rodolfo takes it as a compliment. Catherine says that he could get a lot of money with these skills and Eddie agrees with her. Eddie says that if he had the skills he would be no where near the waterfront. The tension is rising again as Miller then wrote that Eddie was unconsciously twisting the newspaper. Everyone knows what he is doing so he carries on the speech. While he is talking the newspaper rips in half. I think that this gets everyone nervous and the scene gets more tense. I believe that it signified Eddie getting an idea in his head, like a light bulb above someone on TV when they get an idea. He asks Marco if he wants to go to see a fight next week. He also asks Rodolfo trying to see his reaction. Boxing is a masculine sport and he thought he was asking a woman. Catherine believes that Eddie is being nice now so she goes to get some coffee. At this point of the scene I think that it is not as tense as it just was but I think that everyone is still nervous. Eddie and Rodolfo then begin to spar and I believe that the audience are now at the edge of their seats waiting to see what will happen. Everyone is impressed thinking that Eddie is making the effort to try to like Rodolfo, but then Eddie comes with a trick attack and lands a blow on Rodolfo. It then becomes clear what Eddies intensions were, he wanted an excuse to take his anger on Rodolfo out. Rodolfo does not want to make anything worse so he says that it didnt hurl him and only surprised him. The tension once again is high and Rodolfo asks Catherine to dance to annoy Eddie. He is saying that nothing will get between Catherine and his relationship. Marco then comes and sits a chair in front of Eddie. He challenges him to lift to it from the bottom with one hand. Eddie thinks that this will be easy but soon finds out that it isnt when he fails. Marco then lifts it above his head to show that he is stronger. Until now Marco had always been on his side by apologising for his brother, Rodolfo, but Eddie has now lost his only supporter. The tension rises as they stare at each other and Marco smiles. Another thing that adds tension here is the stage directions. They say that Marco held the chair like a weapon. This creates tension as it shows that Marco is threatening Eddie. The scene finished with the tension very high and with Eddie physically threatened. In this scene Arthur Miller has used many ways to show the tension rising. One of these was writing the stage directions. This creates visual images which are really important as they stress the tension; it shows the reader what the audience sees and also shows the tension. Another way he showed the tension was by making the sentences longer. This slows down the pace of the play and created tension. Another way he shows tension is by adding pauses. These add silence and make the audience/reader want to know what happens next. It also gives a moment for the tension to rise.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pros And Cons About Perth Tourism Development Tourism Essay

Pros And Cons About Perth Tourism Development Tourism Essay Perth is described as Western Australias growth capital and there are some pros and cons about Perth Tourism Development (Tourism Western Australia 2010). Perth has been ranked in the top three most desired hotel investment markets together with Sydney and Brisbane in the HTL Capital Advisers 2008 Industry Survey. Perth is the point of arrival in Australia for 70% of the states international visitors (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2009). When talking about the background of Perth, the ecological footprint of residents of Perth Western Australia is among the highest in the world (Urlich 2000). General affluence and high standard of living are primary contributors. Urban form and housing styles are also contributors, directly and indirectly. Perth is extremely low density (R8 on average). Low density suburban development over decades has caused the loss of large areas of bio-diverse vegetation and habitat. Automobile dependency is relatively high. Greenhouse emissions are consequently extremely high on per capita basis (which creates policy and cultural tension). In and around Western Australias capital Perth, there are inner city parks, bustling markets and a colourful lifestyle, as well as water-based activities like fishing, boating and surfing. Western Australian is the nations fourth largest economy, responsible for the production of 13.6% of the Australias gross domestic product (GDP). Perth city is a hub for the states activity and the point of dispersion for the states interstate and international visitors (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2010). Perth has grown to become a city of international significance an increasing population, high workforce participation and productivity continues to fuel demand. Perth has been ranked the least sustainable city in an assessment of the carbon footprint of Australias 20 largest cities (ABCNews 2010). This report is going to discuss the impacts of Hospitality and Tourism industry to Economic, Social and Environmental aspects in Perth. And to some extent, these three aspects would affect tourism industry in Perth also. Besides these, it also takes an example of Holiday Inn Hotel City Centre Perth in the area of CSR (Corporate social responsibility). The hotel has been engaging lots of charity programs. 2. Economic impacts Tourism growth Perth and Western Australia have achieved marginal growth in their market share of Australian international visitation since the year 2004. This is most evident in Western Australias market share of international visitors, which was up 1.1 percentage points to 13.6% as at year end 2009( Tourism Western Australia,2010). International visitors spent a total of 21.2 million nights in Western Australia, 17.0 million of which were spent in Perth. This represents a 42% increase for Western Australia and a 39% increase for Perth, since September 2004. The difference between the growth in visitors and growth in visitor nights reflects the growth in average length of stay, approximately 25% (6 days) and 23% (5 days) for Western Australia and Perth respectively almost half of which occurred in the year to September 2009( Tourism Western Australia,2010). . More quality hotel rooms for Perth, in a world class city with vibrant waterfront and cultural precincts. The focus on the development of significant tourism infrastructure will mean Tourism Western Australia will pull back from its traditional involvement in smaller industry development activities. Tourism Western Australia will develop a new Statewide Major Events Strategy to create new home-grown events and attract more national and international events to Western Australia (Tourism Western Australia, 2010). Tourism in Perth: Tourism and the related business activity are playing an important role in Perth Economy, although a relatively greater one in terms of employment. An estimated 4.0 % of local workers are employed in the tourism services sector in Perth. However, the tourism industry and in particular, segments such as accommodation also is playing a key role in business and corporate activity much more broadly, providing not only the services but also facilities to support activity in these sectors(Tourism Research Australia 2009). Economic Stress in Perth It is generally believed that Hospitality and Tourism is a booming industry. The rising level of stress in Perth is perhaps indicative of the local impacts of the wider economic downturn. Large numbers of people engaged in vulnerable industries, such as hospitality. The economic slowdown has seen increasing numbers of people engaged in these industries out of work. It is, however, likely that the recovery in the resources sector, and the State economy more generally, will see economic stress decrease in Perth suburbs such as Butler, Alkimos and Yanchep (Tourism Western Australia 2010). Perth Airport: the regional gateway Perth is playing a major role in facilitating tourism activity. Perth airport serves as the gateway to Western Australia, facilitating 9.4 million passenger movements annually, including 2.6 million international passengers(Perth Airport, 2009). Indeed, Perth is the point of arrival in Australia for 70% of the states international visitors (Tourism Research Australia 2009). Looking forward, passenger movements at Perth airport are projected to double over the two decades to 2029, with international passenger movements growing by 4.0% to 5.6 million and domestic passenger movements growing by 3.3% to 13.4 million (Perth Airport 2009). 3. Social Impacts New hotel development in Perth Tourism Western Australia welcomed plans for a quality hotel development on Beaufort Street in Perth (Tourism Australia 2009). The capital city, Perth, offers a sought after lifestyle for the international investment community with its natural, relaxed and multicultural environment, low sovereign risk, pro-development government policies, a highly skilled and innovative workforce and world-class infrastructure (Deloitte 2009). Market fundamentals for Perth hotels are very strong with double digit yield growth over the last three years projected to continue for the next five years. The outlook for mid market and first class hotels is very positive despite current global economic uncertainty (Marin and Jafari 2002). Projects of strategic importance in Perth have attracted significant international investor interest creating an exciting business, tourism, residential and entertainment hub to put Perth in the international spotlight (Transocean Consulting Services 2007). This combined with Perths strategic global location, positioning as a major international business hub with close proximity to Asia, makes Western Australia an attractive investment destination. From the statistics, Perth occupancy rates are still amongst the highest in Australia at 81 per cent. Perths consistent growth over the last five years is encouraging to investors such as the Rothchester Group and its preferred operators (Tourism Australia 2009). There is strong demand for hotel accommodation in Perth and a particular shortage of high quality hotel accommodation in the city. In Hong Kong more than 70 per cent of delegates chose Australia as their preferred choice for investment. Tourism Western Australia will continue to assist investors to ensure quality hotel developments are built in the Perth central business district and regional Western Australia. Raising awareness of local issues and needs Tourism can also raise awareness of local issues and needs. Branding of local product and achievements creates regional identity not only nationally but also internationally. There is a trend towards investment in interpretation of natural and cultural resources in Perth. Perth attraction to natural and heritage icons often helps fund conservation important efforts and provides opportunities for effective management of sensitive and important areas. Tourism is largely an experience driven industry, and Perth local culture is a unique experience more so local personality, hospitality and food than so called built attractions. (McCool and Moisey 2000) Tourism can boost the preservation and transmission of cultural and historical traditions (Weaver 2000). This often contributes to the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources such as John Forrest National Park and Matilda Bay Reserve in Perth , the protection of local heritage like Aviation Heritage Museum and Heritage Cottage Bed Breakfast, and a revival of indigenous cultures, cultural arts and crafts. More education and training programs in Hospitality and Tourism Industry One of the biggest problems which occurs to Tourism Industry is Occupational Skills Shortage ( Sommerville 2007). There are not enough qualified and experienced people, and for many of the jobs in short supply, however, education and training usually is not provided for a long time in Perth. At the same time, an increasing number of people seem to leave the workplace than entering it. It is hard to increase the numbers of people being trained because of the need for experienced employees to supervise and mentor apprentices, trainees or graduates and the limitations this placed on the number of new entrants that could be employed and trained. More than that, these education and training courses are often not keeping pace with the innovation and technological change in the workplace in Western Australia (Sommerville 2007). 4. Environmental impacts: Air Pollution in Perth Not many tourists might choose Perth as their destination or even locals might not stay in Perth during summer and winter times, due to severe Air Pollution in Perth, While Perth has a relatively small population when being compared with some other Australian capital cities, air pollution in Perth is very significant (Department of Environmental Protection 2009). The following analysis shows that Perth has levels of air pollution which might present health impacts to tourists and locals. The levels of photochemical smog (ozone) in Perth during summer regularly exceed national standards (Department of Environmental Protection 2000). Besides this, during winter months, a smoke haze frequently hangs over Perth. In most cases these episodes of unacceptable air quality are influenced by weather conditions that prevent air pollutants from detracting quickly (Department of Environmental Protection 2000). Figure: The sites of the Perth Air Quality Monitoring Stations Source: Air Quality in Perth 1992-1999 report (DEP 2001) A detailed analysis of the air quality in the Perth metropolitan region is contained in the DEPs Air Quality in Perth 1992-1999 report (DEP 2001). In summary the report shows that: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Ozone levels in summer are tending to remain high, approaching or exceeding the acceptable standard; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Background levels of ozone are increasing; à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Airborne particle (haze) levels in winter are relatively high, and during spring and autumn are relatively low. As the population grows, even if the level of car ownership remains the same as it is now, there will be even more cars on the road. On top of this, the length of vehicle trips is expected to increase as the size of Perth grows. It is expected that for every one per cent increase in population there will be a 1.6% increase in the number of vehicle kilometers travelled. Figure: The total vehicle emissions of carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen going into Perths air each day. Source: Air Quality gets a Black Mark, Australian Environment Review, Vol 11, No 4, May 1996. Figure: Predicted daily vehicle emissions of carbon monoxide and oxides of nitrogen for Perth in 2011 assuming there is no new anti-pollution Source: Air Quality gets a Black Mark, Australian Environment Review, Vol 11, No 4, May 1996. As for the solution of the Air Pollution, reduction in motor vehicle ownership and usage is the key target. Increased use of public transport -international experience, and recent local successes strongly indicate that rail should be the focus for Perth (Department of Environmental Protection of Perth 2003). In Hospitability and Tourism Industry, Some forms of recreation, including rowing, bushwalking and rock climbing, make little or no contribution to air pollution (Department of Environmental Protection of Perth 2003). Other pursuits however, affect the quality of our air. Trail bikes, jet skis and power boats all put toxic emissions into the atmosphere. It is possible to continue to enjoy all forms of recreation and at the same help to improve air quality. Coastal erosion As for Tourism Industry, Coastal Erosion is very serve phenomena. Hotels, resorts or even local houses along the coast would be affected to some certain extent (Medlik 2003). Rising sea levels, more frequent storms, cyclones and floods along the coastline are putting beach front properties at risk. Coastal erosion is the permanent loss of land along the shoreline (World News 2009). Natural causes of erosion (World News 2009): Changes in wave climate such as an increase in wave height change in the angle of wave approach or increased frequency of high magnitude waves. Reduction in the amount of sediment delivered to the coast from reef and rising sea level. Human-induced causes of erosion (World News 2009): Sand extraction from beaches that reduces the sand volume of the coast, coral mining, insertion of structures such as seawalls which locally alter wave processes and change sediment transport patterns and removal of mangroves. Waste Water Management in Hotels Environmental Effort = Reduced Consumption = Lower Operating Costs Hyatt Regency Perth Hotel is the example of doing Waste Water Management. Environmental impacts of Hospitality and Tourism are described as following points:  · Large draw on public infrastructure and utilities (electricity, water, sewage) which must be shared with local communities  · Discharge of untreated effluents into the environment in large quantities  · Massive import of goods to service the industry- excess packaging and waste  · Improper land use planning and poor designs of infrastructure systems These impacts on the community in Perth can be indicated as following: shortages in public utilities (water rationing, brown outs), ineffective hotel wastewater treatment plant might cause human health impacts and rise in disposal costs for waste removal (Water Corporation 2006). Protecting Perths Public Drinking Groundwater Sources The growth of Hospitality and Tourism industry in Perth, to some extent, is helping to protect Perths Public Drinking Groundwater Sources through raising public awareness. The main sources of groundwater in Perth are the Jandakot and Gnangara Mounds on which the Jandakot, Gnangara and Perth Coastal (Water Corporation 2007). Underground Water Pollution Control Areas (UWPCAs) are defined. Within these areas policies have been developed to protect water resources from pollution. The Department of Environment (DoE) is responsible for the protection of water resources used for public drinking water supplies throughout Western Australia (Water Corporation 2007). 5. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) In terms of Corporate Social Responsibility, some hotels and resorts do make very good examples. Some hotels have 10 percent of the total guest room revenue donated equally to a charity of their choice and Community Footprints, the social responsibility program. Some hotels win lots of popularity through their outstanding and continuing social contributions to the local community which included numerous social initiatives in the fields of sustainability, environment, heritage, community interaction and youth development ( Cq Researcher 2010). Activities involved are such as inspiring the younger generation with environmental awareness and to instill a sense of ownership for the future of their country. More than that, supporting under-privileged children and eco-friendly green initiatives for many years are also examples of some hotels social responsibilities (Cq Researcher 2010). Holiday Inn Hotel City Centre Perth Holiday Inn City Centre Perth builds customer loyalty and strengthens employee commitment through a program of charitable engagement with the multiple local communities in which they operate (Cq Researcher 2010). In the area of corporate social responsibility (CSR) Holiday Inn City Centre Perth is involved in many initiatives aimed at reducing its impact on society, for example energy and water conservation. The focus of this briefing is on its engagement with charities and how it has helped their business. The charities are in their core interests of Community, Employees, Arts, Youth Education, Environment and Human Rights. The charities they involved such as Children In Need, the Red Cross and so on. The hotel is also helping to upgrade schools with sanitation facilities as well as library and science equipment, workbooks and classroom materials. Besides Holiday Inn City Centre Perth, the other hotels in Perth are also helping to make it much easier for their staff to be environmentally friendly. The provision of bike lockers and shower facilities means that staff can gain some exercise and be ready for their day at work. Some hotels even provide child-care facilities, this means that busy mothers and fathers can reduce the distances they drive, or even better, enjoy some time with their children as they travel together on public transport(Cq Researcher 2010). 6. Conclusion This study report introduces the city Perth and analyzes how Hospitality and Tourism Industry affect the city Perth based on social, economic and environmental factors. Not only that, it also discusses the issue about Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and gives some examples about the hotels in Perth. Sustainable development is the objective, not just the protection of biodiversity and species. Tourism is a fast growing industry and a valuable sector, contributing significantly to Perth economy. Perth is experiencing substantial growth in terms of inner-city living, development and Hospitality Tourism industry, servicing 100,000 daily visitors and workers in addition to its 15,000 inner-city residents. The City of Perth is a main provider of free entertainment for the 1.6 million people in the metropolitan area and is the premier destination for business, entertainment, nightlife, culture and the arts. Around 4.0 % of local workers are employed in the tourism services sector in Perth. However, they lack training and education. Moreover, local employees usually work at very low paid and unskilled jobs. People also enjoy living close to recreational areas such as the Swan and Canning rivers and near the open spaces of the various parklands, wetlands and the hills. There is a tendency for the people of Perth to live in single residential home surrounded by private gardens. Transport is another factor people consider when choosing where they live. These factors have all contributed to Perth becoming a sprawling city. This pattern of development is expected to lead to people travelling greater and greater distances so they may satisfy their work and social requirements. This report addresses the issues of economic stress and tourism growth in Perth. As for Environmental impacts, Air Pollution, Coastal erosion, Waste Water Management in Hotels, Public Drinking Groundwater Sources are some of the issues are being discussed above. Perth has been facing very severe air pollution. Hyatt Regency Perth Hotel manages well in terms of waste water management. And when comes to social impacts, Tourism can also raise awareness of local issues and needs. More than that, Western Australia also welcomed new hotel development in Perth. To conclude, Hospitality and Tourism Industry has huge impact on Perth in terms of three factors which discussed above. More than that, it is clearly that some local patterns also affect tourism industry in Perth.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Drugs and alcohol effects :: essays research papers fc

The drug problem affects all types of students. All regions and all types of communities show high levels of drug use. Thirty percent of 1990 high school seniors in non-metropolitan areas reported illicit drug use in the previous year, while the rate for seniors in large metropolitan areas was 33 percent. Although higher proportions of males are involved in illicit drug use, especially heavy drug use, the gap between the sexes is closing Bibliography lists 4 sources. California has been considered a leader in the fight for drug control. With its 'three strike and you're out' program, the west coast state has demonstrated its firm stance on the issue of illegal drugs. However, the writer discusses that at the helm of this controversial topic is the mandate of minimum drug sentencing for what some consider to be insignificant usage; as such, people caught with what would have one time been considered a negligible amount of cocaine are now – under new and forceful laws – looking at a mandatory minimal jail sentence. An 8 page paper that argues against the legalization of marijuana from a sociological and psychological perspective. The writer suggests that while there is considerable data about the usefulness of this drug from a medical standpoint, the general legalization would have considerable social and psychological implications. A 6 page research paper that examines the effects of parental substance abuse on their children and argues that such abuse greatly increases the chances that their children will, likewise, develop substance abuse problems. A 5 page introduction on the importance of obstetric/gynecology centers on many aspects of women's health care. Identifies the problems inherent in crack cocaine use among pregnant women and stresses the importance of educational programs in the reduction of crack cocaine usage and suggests that viable alternatives for these types of programs could be revealed by reviewing crack usage among pregnant w omen outside the large urban environment.The drug problem affects all types of students. All regions and all types of communities show high levels of drug use. Thirty percent of 1990 high school seniors in nonmetropolitan areas reported illicit drug use in the previous year, while the rate for seniors in large metropolitan areas was 33 percent. Although higher proportions of males are involved in illicit drug use, especially heavy drug use, the gap between the sexes is closing Bibliography lists 4 sources. The drug problem affects all types of students.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Life Is a Dance Essay

â€Å"Life’s a dance you learn as you go Sometimes you lead, sometimes you follow Don’t worry about what you don’t know Life’s a dance you learn as you go.† These few lines were picked from one of the greatest hits of John Michael Montgomery. These best explains why some of us consider life a dance. Every dance has a unique identity. Each of them has its own history, series of steps and music. Therefore, life is like a dance. Really. We let ourselves learn and experience slowly but surely. Every step is complex to the extent that the whole routine might be ruined when you did it thoughtless or unprepared. Discipline and patience are two major factors needed to dance with grace and style. Also, dancing imparts to us the need to take into consideration the history of the dance you’re interested to for us to be able to grow from time to time from our mistakes or committed errors. Dancing also need the performer to be self-confident and independent – being brave enough to gain his dream, his passion and his aim to fame. Life is also an art, like a dance. You have to be creative to produce magnificent performances and flexible enough to adapt from the ups and downs of rehearsals and few blunders around. A true performer dance not to compare himself to anyone but to dance better than one self. As you learn more as time passes by, one must enjoy each step along the way for him to be exultant on what he loves to do. Dancing also teach us to interact more with people especially those who you might be with and also those who can aid us to dance better, grow more and be the best as we can be in the performing stage. Life is like a dance – always changing. Sometimes you find yourself alone or with a partner or within a group. Sometimes you’re the lead, sometimes you’re not. Sometimes steps are fast and tough or gentle and stress-free. But the result will depends not on the routines, but on how you dance the piece. Interpretive dance will be my piece if I have to choose. This particular dance defines my life as well. Movements are based on human expressions and feelings. I’m used to show what I feel towards the people who surround me. Also, I have high regard about freedom and personal expressions. Movements in this kind of dance are also communicating to the viewers. â€Å"Actions speak louder than words. â€Å" – This old little saying, I believe, is true. One can show the sincerity and truthfulness more when it is communicated with actions. Often the style includes grand, eloquent movements which, in my opinion, are the reason why it is associated with higher form of arts. Imagination is greater than knowledge. Creativity is of much more value here than the other types of dance. We can dance for laughter, for tears, for love, for pain, for fears or even for madness. Dancers create their own character by a dance full of passion and by dancing not just with a foot but most of all, with a heart even with music or without.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Personality: Carl Jung and Myra

1. Which personality type does Myra display, according to Freudian theory? Provide evidence for your answer. What caused it?Myra must have experienced neurotic anxiety in the presence of her husband’s â€Å"authority† as she previously must have experienced unconscious feelings of destruction against her parents because of fear of punishment, so she exaggerates her cleanings and frequently portrays herself as a martyr who does so much for others and asks so little for herself, when in reality she usually over sees the cleaning and tells others what to do, and her husband or children help her.This same neurotic anxiety makes her aggressive towards her neighbor as once grass went flying into her garden from her neighbor’s while mowing; and as a result Myra threw a fit and did not talk to the neighbor for two years. Myra displays a disturbing pattern of establishing relationships and then ending them by being rude. She sometimes criticizes people to their faces, or she just stops calling them. Moreover, this neurotic anxiety makes her concerned about spending money and she refrains from expending it despite being middle class and really not poor. As a defense mechanism, Myra has developed an anal fixation, which manifests in her obsession with neatness and orderliness.2. Why does Myra feel that cleaning the house is her responsibility? How would Jungian theory explain Myra adopting this traditional role? According to Jung the mind or psyche has two levels; conscious and unconscious. Unlike Freud, Jung believes that collective unconscious refers to humans’ â€Å"innate tendency to react in a particular way whenever their experiences stimulate a biological inherited response tendency.†This explains why Myra unexpectedly reacts with love and persistence to the house cleanliness, tidiness and orderliness although she had negative or at least neutral feelings toward the job, especially when we know that her mother always took care of their house and thought that it was the woman’s responsibility to do so; and Myra has learnt how to clean â€Å"correctly† from her mother who punished her when she did not clean something thoroughly enough.Of course, her mothers belief of house cleanliness was passed to her from her mother and so on through generations until it became a collective unconscious which Jung sees as autonomous forces called archetypes which, when evolved, â€Å"can be conceptualized† into persona, shadow, anima, animus, great mother, wise old  man, hero, and self.3. How could radical behaviorism explain Myra’s cleaning behavior? Find examples of reinforcement of punishment that might have influenced Myra’s cleaning behavior.According to Freud, Myra’s ego which is â€Å"the only region of the mind in contact with reality† and it is governed by the â€Å"reality principle† has made the decision on cleanness and neatness of her house and yard, besid es arranging things in order. And because the ego is partially conscious, partly preconscious and partly unconscious, her ego can make decisions on each of these three levels. Myra exaggerates in cleaning her house, tidying her yard and garden and arranging her things in order as her ego consciously motivates her to choose excessive neatness, tidiness and arrangements because she feels comfortable and proud of her estate and things being like this and people compliment her for this.Meanwhile she may be, on her preconscious level, only dimly aware of her previous experience when her friends or neighbors first praised her for the way she cleans the house, tidies the yard and the garden and arranges her things. Besides, she may be unconsciously motivated to be excessively clean, neat and orderly â€Å"due to her childhood experiences of the toilet training† and cleaning the house with her mother so as to avoid pain resulting from her parents punishment and gain pleasure of their love and security. Also it has been settled in her superego what she should and should not do because of her experiences with reward and punishment she must have received from her parents during her childhood. Thus she can be dominated by the superego, which results in her â€Å"guilt-ridden or inferior-feeling person;†4. How could Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory explain Myra’s traditionally feminine cleaning behavior? According to Albert Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory, the way we react to expected events is usually more powerful than the event itself. Myra’s traditionally feminine cleaning behavior can be explained on the basis of her observing her mother cleaning and perhaps financially managing the house as well as having the same belief that her mother had as housework is the main responsibility of a woman.Myra’s behavior is also reinforced by the compliments she receives from her  neighbors and friends who overtly express their admirations of her clean house, tidy yard and beautiful garden. This accords with Bandura’s idea that reinforcement can be vicarious whether it is direct or indirect. According to Bandura’s triadic reciprocal model that includes behavioral, environmental, and personal factors, Myra has the capacity to regulate her life; and her behavioral cleanliness has turned into a consistent way of evaluating and regulating her social and cultural environment, seeing that her house is cleaner, tidier and more beautiful than any house in the neighborhood or any of her friends or relatives’ houses.5. Which of Horney’s needs motivate Myra? Which of Horney’s neurotic trends does Myra demonstrate? Provide evidence for you answer. In accordance with Horney’s Psychoanalytic Social Theory, Myra has been influenced by cultural impacts of her society. Modern culture is based on completion (her exaggeration in cleanliness, tidiness and orderliness compared to other s) which triggers off basic hostility (in dealing with her friends and neighbors), which, in return, results in isolation, (her break up with friends and not participating in productive volunteer work), that brings about â€Å"intensified needs for affection† (her feeling of doing everything alone without being helped by anyone and illustrating herself as martyr or victim).Childhood at any stage is considered the source of most problems as a result of traumatic events. During her childhood Myra was physically punished by her parents; the thing which generated a feeling of lack of genuine warmth and affection and developed into anxiety and hostility towards others. From her behaviors of exaggerated cleanliness, hostility, saving money, and refraining from participating in productive volunteer work, Myra demonstrates some basic neurotic needs:(1) Need to restrict her life within narrow borders: she does not participate in any productive activities such as volunteer work, and sh e prefers to spend all her time and energy working on her house and yard. (2) Need for security and power: she economizes on everything and does not spend money, which represents a source of power to her. (3) Need to exploit others: she breaks up with friends and relatives who do not return her invitations to meals. (4) Need for social recognition or prestige: she tries to be the best at cleaning and orderliness and criticizes others as not equal to her.(5) Need for personal admiration: she likes people admiring her house cleanliness, her yard and garden tidiness and beauty, and her orderliness. (6) Need for perfection and unassailability: she always cleans, tidy and rearrange her house, garden, yard and things so as not to be criticized; on the contrary she always criticizes and blames others.

Media Influence on Society Essay

Media Influence on Society Introduction In the last 50 years the media influence has grown exponentially with the advance of technology, first there was the telegraph, then the radio, the newspaper, magazines, television and now the internet. We live in a society that depends on information and communication to keep moving in the right direction and do our daily activities like work, entertainment, health care, education, personal relationships, traveling and anything else that we have to do. Media is the most powerful tool of communication. It helps promoting the right things on right time. It gives a real exposure to the mass audience about what is right or wrong. Even though media is linked with spreading fake news like a fire, but on the safe side, it helps a lot to inform us about the realities as well. Media has a constructive role to play for the society. Today News Channels and even some Newspapers are mouthpiece of some social issues, which helps us to estimate the realities of lives. Media has played an important role in order to focus on the social issues in almost every era. It is the fact that in most of the eras, media were not being given free and fair chances to explore the issues of society more openly than it is being given now; but we can’t deny this fact that the issues were always raised in order to provide justice to the people. Influence of media on children Television can be a powerful entertainment and education tool for children given the right programming. However, studies have shown that television, and media in general, can also have a very negative influence. Some studies indicate it can shorten attention span, distort body image, work in conjunction with other factors to escalate obesity, create fear, and increase aggressive and anti-social behaviors if exposure is unmonitored and unlimited.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Should legal scholars help public decision makers to ensure that Essay

Should legal scholars help public decision makers to ensure that contract law takes proper account of commercial reality - Essay Example This paper discusses whether the legal scholars should help the public decision makers in ensuring that the contract law takes commercial reality into consideration. For the purpose of this study various other aspects of contract law in conjunction with commercial situations has been analyzed and discussed in the ensuing paragraphs. Section one discusses the whether the commercial law can be changed to suit the market needs. Section two ponders over the issue of the appropriateness of courts as institutions for devising and framing market friendly laws. The subsequent sections discusses and analyzes the role of law in expanding and contracting market reach as well as the impact of instrumental desires and legalistic regimes on the markets. A detailed discussion on various schools of thoughts, impact of inclusion of academic (legal) theory and objectives etc have been included in the essay to lend credibility to the discussions and conclusions arrived there from. The Law is framed to serve the primary objective of establishing order and justice within a given society1. The Commercial Law proposes a legal framework which accelerates the process of trade by elevating effectiveness, faith and dependency and dissuading fraudulence and immorality by implementing effective laws such as contract law and trade practices legislation. It is imperative that the markets would either recede into disarray leading to commotion and anarchy or into self regulation in the absence of an efficient and impartial legal system. Although what outcomes the markets might be subjected to is a disputable issue, the advocates of the formalist perspective – an ideal which propagates the existence of a formal universal legal system suggest that such a legal system would offer ultimate benefit to the market. However, Posner2 (1996) contends that the law would hold relatively more significance â€Å"under a variety of plausible